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Osakwe Beale

Editor / Public Relations

I don't want to erase my original profile from when I was 17 because that's how I was feeling t the time but at 24 I have a different understanding of the world and my role in it. When people ask me what I do I give the proper went-to-college-got-a-good-job-response but what I really want to tell people is that I grind. These are the grinding years and I am a Product of The Grind (POTG). What does that mean? It simply means that I am of the mindset to work hard to achieve success. If you feel the same way ......welcome to the Grind.

When I'm not in the coroporate hard-bottoms I rock my SB's (Nike Dunks for the lame-o's) and you can definitely catch me at a sneaker party.

Flav had it right in the 80's - Don't believe the Hype

Independent thought is essential ...."fitting in" is for cowards.
What are you?

It's hard to convey my personality through words, you would have to meet and know me to understand me. My name means "One who humbles himself to God" and I believe that to be a long range life goal of mine. "With humility comes prosperity"- (Some famous person) I believe this to be true and just like everyone else, when I get older I plan on getting what's due me. I'm a 17 year old Junior at Brooklyn Technical H.S. who plans on going to college and then taking over the world!! As I said it's hard to convey my personality through words, I like to have fun and that's basically it. I believe that any situation can be made enjoyable through the use of a creative mind. Peace.

IF you want to contact me my E-mail is Bigsocks69@hotmail.com

Peace and Love, I'm out!!!

P.S. Here's a rose for all the lovely ladies out there:


Shout Outs to my man Kerly check out his profile HERE

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Email : harlemlive@aol.com