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Obatunji McKnight
Hello my name is Obatunji McKnight. Wondering how to say that?
Don't. Most people call me Oba for short.
I'm althletic I love to play basketball, football, and baseball. I am a die hard Knicks fan. Matter-of-fact, I love any NY team.
Hmmm.......what else can I say? I pretend to be conceited sometimes, just to play around, but I'm a nice guy at heart. I am very picky when it comes to friends and women. I paticularly scrunitize females before I choose whether or not they're worth my time. I look for the same qualities in a woman that I would look for in a friend, give or take a few. But enough about that.
I enjoy writing and am also very well-read. I believe that the more you read as a child the easier school will be for you later on in your adult life.
I've recently decided that I want to play professional basketball because I love competing on the top level of performance and I also love the game of basketball. In my opinion, basketball is more than a game of strength or speed. It's a game of skill, finesse and thinking. I could go on and on about it but I won't waste your time.
I may not be your average Joe, but I'm usually pleasant to be around (when you're in my graces). Basically I'm a good friend.